Do Strawberries Really Whiten Teeth?

Like charcoal teeth whitening, using strawberries to brighten your smile has been touted as a miracle at-home treatment by some holistic bloggers and websites. According to these sources, mixing baking soda with crushed strawberries and brushing with the mixture can remove surface stains and help whiten teeth. And this is not entirely false. Indeed, research conducted … Continued

July 26, 2017

Will Tooth Whitening Work on Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are resistant to staining, but cannot be whitened once they have discolored. This makes taking care of your veneers absolutely essential for their continued beauty. Unlike natural tooth enamel that can be lightened with topical bleaches, veneers do not respond to tooth whitening treatments. However, you can reduce prematurely staining your restorations by: … Continued

July 20, 2017

Getting Your Smile Ready for Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s important to look and feel your best, starting with your smile. However, not everyone is confident with the way their smile looks. Fortunately, if you are spending the holiday with your sweetheart, there are cosmetic dental procedures and other general treatments that can help you prepare for your date. … Continued

February 13, 2017

What is Teeth Bleaching?

Over time, your teeth naturally become darker or stained. This can be due to a variety of factors. Fortunately, there are teeth whitening options, including teeth bleaching. The teeth bleaching process is used to brighten your smile and to get rid of the pigments staining your teeth. To begin the procedure, a rubber sealant is applied to … Continued

September 13, 2016

Finding a Solution: What Causes Teeth Discoloration?

As we age, our teeth naturally lose their luster. But what, exactly, causes this discoloration? There are many factors that cause teeth to tint. Fortunately, there are solutions that can bring back your bright white smile including teeth whitening. Causes of Discoloration Several factors can cause your smile to become dull. Some may be external or … Continued

September 1, 2016

How to Keep Your Smile Whiter Longer

Everyone wants a beautiful smile. Many of our Denver patients enjoy the long lasting benefits of our professional teeth whitening service. There are other small things you can do at home to brighten your smile and extend the results of professional treatments but it’s not always easy to keep that up! Here are some useful tips … Continued

July 6, 2016

Infographic: 5 Facts About Tooth Whitening

Have you noticed your smile has lost its sparkle? That’s where tooth whitening can help bring back the dazzle to your once-dimmed teeth. But, what kinds of tooth whitening products and treatments are there? Can anyone get tooth whitening? We address these questions and more in the image below. Give our office a call at 303-321-5656 to … Continued

May 16, 2016

Can Deep Tooth Stains be Whitened?

There are two types of tooth stains: those that occur on the surface and those that form underneath the enamel. Surface stains, such as those caused by coffee and tea, dark sauces and berries, and similar agents, can often be removed through increased attention to oral hygiene. What can’t be removed in that manner will … Continued

February 15, 2016

How Long Tooth Whitening Lasts

When you’re trying to decide the value of a cosmetic dentistry investment, you probably want to know how long the results will last. With the teeth whitening services provided by our experienced cosmetic dentists, you should continue to enjoy whiter, brighter teeth for a year or longer, especially if you avoid these things that stain your teeth: … Continued

October 14, 2015