Although the rain continues to fall across Denver, warmer temperatures topping out in the 80s are forecasted in the weeks to come. The experienced dentists and staff at DeWitt Dental Associates know your mind may be turning to those hallmark summertime treats, like ice cream, popsicles and snow cones. We know most people don’t want to eliminate these things altogether, but you should consider enjoying them just every once and a while. Those types of treats contain high levels of sugar, which sits on your teeth and contributes to the formation of plaque and eventual tooth decay. You can mitigate the effect by enjoying these treats along with a meal, which causes your mouth to produce saliva and wash away some of the sugar.

Summer is a great time to cool off with a frozen or chilled treat. After a day on the trails, mountains, lakes or elsewhere in sunny Colorado, reward yourself with one of these healthier, teeth-friendlier options –

  • Strawberries: Chilled or room-temperature strawberries offer a delicious snack bursting with summer flavor. They are also good for your teeth and body, containing lots of vitamin C, as well as potassium and fiber.
  • Frozen grapes: Next time you buy grapes, stick some in the freezer. When frozen, they are similar to the experience of a popsicle. They don’t get as hard as ice, so they shouldn’t be difficult to chew or break your teeth. Try green and red grapes for flavor variety.
  • Frozen yogurt tubes: Many yogurt manufacturers have yogurt tubes (just yogurt that comes in a tube instead of a cup). Freeze these yogurt tubes for an ice cream-like dessert that has lots of teeth-healthy calcium without as much sugar and fat as ice cream.
  • Fruit parfaits: Fruit parfaits are a great dessert that look just as at home at a dinner party as they do at a backyard barbecue. There is a wide array of parfait recipes on the internet, but generally the idea is to layer yogurt, fresh fruit, nuts and other ingredients in a tall cup.

Of course everything is best in moderation, and you should follow any dietary restrictions as advised by your doctor or nutritionist. And if you have very young children susceptible to choking hazards, you may not want to give them the frozen grapes. But these fruit and dairy based treats can be a much healthier alternative to those summertime staples that tend to cause cavities.

Ready to revamp your smile for summer? Call DeWitt Dental Associates at 303-321-5656 today to learn about teeth whitening and other cosmetic dental treatments that refresh the attractiveness of your smile.

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry